القائمة الرئيسية


Nervous food

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As for foods useful to calm the nerves

of the body:

1-Omega 3 fatty acids: These acids play
an important role in calming the
nerves in the body and help improve
the function of body organs and recent
studies indicate the benefits of these
acids on the health of the body in
general and specifically to avoid the
nerve risks that the body may suffer
from. One of the foods that contain
omega-3 fatty acids
Flaxseeds, sardines, cabbage, broccoli
and spinach.
A person can use and take other
supplements after consulting a
specialist. 2- 

2Bread yeast: 
It is rich in
vitamin D, which enhances the
function of the nervous system and
helps to heal depression. Insomnia and
sleep problems.

3 - Oatmeal: It plays a vital role by
calming the nerves of the body and is
considered as a sedative for nerve
conditions and helps to improve the
ability to take it mixed with some of
the milk.

4- Magnesium: It is an important
mineral for the body, especially for the
nervous system, and helps the body
secrete serotonin, which calms the
nervous system, improves the mood of
the person, and contributes to relaxing
the muscles of the body.

5- Medicinal plants: they have many
benefits in calming the nerves and
nervous system, we can boil a few of
them with water and drink them
before bed, such as chamomile, mint,
and basil.

6- Walking barefoot: A person can
walk barefoot on the lawn and beach
sands every day for thirty minutes, as
this habit is reported to increase the
activity of the nervous system in the
body and improve the psychological

Studies have shown several
benefits for walking barefoot as it
regulates the heartbeat and improves
the levels of cotisol in the body.

There are many medical advice that
strengthen the heart muscle, including:
Refrain from drinking too much tea,
coffee, because they contain caffeine,
which damages the body and increases
blood pressure.

These drinks can cause heart attacks
and other health problems.
Refrain from eating fatty meat and fast
food because it contains a large
amount of fat, a high percentage of
cholesterol, which threatens the safety
of the heart and the health of the

- Refrain from eating salts that
increase blood pressure and is a direct
cause of heart attacks and other
diseases. Eat lean foods like fish and
chicken. Use olive oil to cook food
instead of other oils. Eat nuts because
they are rich in body fat. 

Eating more
fresh vegetables and fruits every day
1-Apples: It plays a big role in
protecting the lungs and respiratory
system, and many studies have proven
that apples prevent the body from
developing asthma and lung cancer
because it is rich in vitamin C, which is
useful for the health
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