القائمة الرئيسية


Healthy nutrition

اعلان اعلى المواضيع


The American Cancer 
Society has done
a study on this topic.
This association has made clear that it
is necessary to eat sufficient quantities
of vegetables and fruits daily and eat
foods rich in potassium reduces the
incidence of strokes.
Foods rich in potassium include
bananas, spinach and oranges.
On the other hand, studies have
proven that eating tomatoes protects
men from prostate cancer because it
contains the lycopene tincture.
As for the issue of obesity, despite all
the studies and scientific research on
the topic of nutrition, obesity is
beginning to spread in the world and
many people do not pay any attention
to this problem and its harmful effects
on the health of the body.
It has a negative impact on different
parts of the body and obesity is
considered one of the main factors for
colon cancer.
There are many causes that lead to
obesity, including:
1/Genetic factors: If the parents are
obese, then the children will surely
have the same problem.
2/ Lifestyle in the family: Adhering to
unhealthy habits of food and nutrition
have a major impact on the obesity of
family members.
3 / lethargy: lethargy and sitting for
long hours in front of the TV and
computer screen leads to obesity and
weight gain.
4/Bad diet: The bad diet by eating fast
food and soft drinks leads to weight
gain because it contains a large
percentage of calories.
5/Medicines: Taking some medications
can cause weight gain, such as
antidepressants and diabetes
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