القائمة الرئيسية


janvier 2020

Healthy nutrition
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 21 janvier 2020
  The American Cancer   Society has done a study on this topic. This association has made clear that it is necessary to eat sufficient q...
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Dealing with children
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 18 janvier 2020
  Helpful healthy habits to teach your children Many people ask about the correct way to deal with their children and about the solution...
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The exercises for every person
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 15 janvier 2020
  There are many important points for starting a fitness program: 1 / Visiting the specialized doctor periodically to check for wounds an...
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Sport for all family members
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 12 janvier 2020
  Sport is a goal that   every person in the world seeks to achieve.   It is an effective means of education and fitness in daily life I...
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Exercises suitable for the body
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 10 janvier 2020
       There is no doubt that               exercising helps       all people lose weight and obtain a more consistent and graceful body.   ...
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The importance of sport in daily life
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 09 janvier 2020
  The importance of sport in daily life Doing sports keeps the body healthy and prevents diseases like malnutrition and diabetes. Health...
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The role of sport in daily life
مدونة الفكر الأدبية 08 janvier 2020
  The topic of human health is one of the important matters in a person’s life, consuming materials and nutrients in daily life, to enjoy go...
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