القائمة الرئيسية


Exercises suitable for the body

اعلان اعلى المواضيع

       There is no doubt that               exercising helps 
     all people lose weight and obtain a
more consistent and graceful body.
             Of course, people need to continue to
move and exercise.
This does not mean following a strict
system in gyms that may take a long

   In fact, obtaining many benefits
from exercising sports activities in
addition to that there are many
options related to exercising, such as 
      running and riding bike, and over
time we can transform these exercises
       into a habit in daily life. 

The American Heart Association
     Stresses that a person must exercise
for thirty minutes a day. 

10-The correct way to measure exercise 
strength is to check the number of
    heartbeats during physical activity and 
exercise The first step to perform any
physical activity is how appropriate
     Your body is to this exercise that the
person chooses.

          It is necessary to consult a specialist
     Doctor, but men with health problems
who are over 45 years old and women
over 55 years old must obtain a
      medical report that allows them to

        After evaluating your body and its 
compatibility with the physical activity
         and exercise that you have chosen, it is 
necessary to define the goals of these

Does the trainee want to prepare for
the five thousand meter race or go to
           The gym six times a week or just run
    For a certain period of time. 
     These goals and start slowly by

    It is worth noting that many beginners
make mistakes through exercising
strongly in the beginning and this 
muscle effort results in cases of
       fatigue and injury to body
    Organs because they believe that
       exercising vigorously will lead to
immediate and tangible results on the
body within several days and this
belief is incorrect. 
Aerobic and cardiac activities: are
     Strenuous exercises for the body to
accelerate your breathing and increase 
the number of heartbeat such as
          running, swimming                  and the                   maximumheart ate based on the age of the 

A person can obtain an appropriate
estimate of the maximum heart rate
by subtracting the age of the trainee
from the number 220 
    Strength or weight training: This type
        of sporting activity aims to improve
muscle strength and the person
performs exercises to strengthen a
        Specific group of muscles in the body
        and that lifting weights and exercising
     in the mountains of rubber resistance 
increases the strength of the muscles
         and other exercises such as pushups
that improve the performance of all 
muscles in the body.

This exercise focuses on repeating the
process several times. 

    For example, a trainee can train a
    specific muscle ten times, then a few 
   moments of rest and repeat the
exercise ten times again.


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