القائمة الرئيسية


Important organs in the body

اعلان اعلى المواضيع


The most important basic components 
of the human body: 
1-Bones: The adult human body 
of 206 bones and has an 
important role in the overall 
movement of the body. Bones have 
five basic functions in the human 
1/It plays a big role in protecting
organs in the body, as the 
heart is surrounded by the rib cage, in 
addition to that the brain is 
surrounded by the skull. 
2/ It is an essential storehouse for 
some important elements in the body, 
such as calcium and phosphorous. 

3 / Bones 

produce white and red blood

cells and 
platelets in the body. 
4/It helps the body to move, run and 
walk, especially since there is a close 
relationship between muscles and 
bones in the body. And the lack of 
human movement in daily life weakens 
bone rigidity because it reduces the 
of food and oxygen to the body, 
so the bones become fragile and easily 
breakable, while movement and 
help the bones endure shocks 
and remain strong and unbreakable.
2- Muscle: 
Muscle is the source of 
strength in the human body and 
consists of three types: 
-Voluntary muscles: the muscles 
responsible for the movement of the 
arms and legs, so a person can move 
them of their own free will. 
- Involuntary muscles: including the 
heart muscle, which plays an 
important role in the pulse and 
pumping blood to different parts of 
the body. 
are many 
muscles in the body 
that are active during the pulse 
process and during exercise. 
In addition to the smooth muscles that 
play a 
fundamental role in the process 
of digesting food in the body and 
facilitate the transport of food to the 
digestive system, these muscles help in
defecation or vomiting in the body. 
3- Nerves: It is responsible for the 
movement of our muscles in the body 
and the body 
consists of many nerve 
cells associated with the spinal cord 
and brain, which is the center of 
And guidance 
and store the 
and talents acquired by 
the person during his life and there is a 
close relationship between the 
muscles and nerves in the body. 
There is no doubt that the lack of 
movement and walking in daily life 
threatens this relationship between 
the two, because movement is 
necessary for the nervous system in 
order to maintain its agility and its 
ability to bear the hardships of life. 
4 - The heart: is the organ that pumps
blood to 
all components of the body 
and many studies have shown that 
sport has an important role in 
strengthening the heart muscle and 
maintaining the integrity of the body 
and the heart which is an important 
and it is necessary to maintain 
the integrity 
of his heart 
because any 
in this 
muscle will lead to 
Serious health problems. 
As we mentioned earlier, sports have a 
positive effect on the heart and the 
body in general for the following 
-Increase the size of the heart muscle 
the amount 
of blood that the 
heart pumps 
to all parts of the body. 
- The speed 
of the return of the heart 
rate after the completion of the 
exercise to its normal rate.
5- Respiratory system: We know that a 
always breathes Because it 
oxygen in order to provide the 
body with energy and vitality in daily 
life in addition to the need to get rid of 
dioxide gas that exits the body 
during the process of exhalation. 
It is worth noting that the breathing 
process is involuntary and without a 
doubt that sport plays a vital role in 
the safety of the respiratory system in 
general and exercises and physical 
to the safety of this 
device and increase the strength of 
muscles in the body. 
The habit of sitting permanently, 
lethargy and lack of movement may 
cause many diseases, including: Heart 
disease and atherosclerosis Diabetes, 
blood pressure and respiratory
diseases. Muscle diseases related to 
muscle contraction, fatigue and back 
And every person who used to sit at 
and not to move 
undergo a medical examination 
periodically to ensure his health is 

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