القائمة الرئيسية


The exercises for every person

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There are many important points for
starting a fitness program:
1 / Visiting the specialized doctor
periodically to check for wounds and
injuries while performing physical
activity and exercising.
2 / Writing marks and points by people
wishing to lose weight in order to
determine the extent of progress that
occurred to the body during the
3 / Providing equipment, where the
trainee needs a variety of sports
equipment, such as weights, exercise
balls, the training rug, and all other
8-For beginners, experts advise that you
should learn the basics of strength
training and choose the appropriate
weights for your body.
It is necessary for the trainee to learn
the types of exercise and the way to
perform those exercises, and then
achieve the desired goals and
objectives, which differ from one
person to another, such as losing
weight, strengthening muscles, and
enjoying flexibility and agility.
There are many exercises beneficial for
the body:
1 / Aerobic exercises: These are
exercises that focus on slimming the
flabby body and are exercises that rely
on oxygen and focus on obtaining large
degrees of deep breathing and
increase the heartbeat and blood flow
in the body.
These exercises aim to get rid of
excess body fat.
2 / Fitness exercises: It is a physical
activity that depends on performing
regular movements and focusing on
areas of the body to be slimmed.
And the process of slimming by using
light weights and increasing the
number of exercise movements, but if
we want to strengthen our muscles we
use heavy weights and reduce the
number of exercise movements.
It is worth mentioning that it is
necessary to follow dietary diets to
protect the body from losing essential
elements and avoid developing anemia
during the training period.
The balance is one of the basic needs
of the body and the best way to
maintain this balance is to take healthy
nd healthy positions for the body and
this is done by practicing lengthening
exercises that benefit the body.
And if the person’s body is not sad,
then he will experience a lot of pain
and will adapt to the wrong positions
and movements.
Thus the body will stop performing its
functions and will be unable to move
and be active.
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