القائمة الرئيسية


The importance of sport in daily life

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The importance of sport in daily life
Doing sports keeps the body healthy
and prevents diseases like malnutrition
and diabetes.
Healthy food and sports help diabetics
a lot, as it works to lose weight,
regulate blood glucose levels, reduce
various diabetes complications,
maintain blood pressure levels, and
regulate cholesterol in the body
. Diabetics must reduce the intake of
salts, sugars, and fried foods because
they contain large amounts of fat.
It is worth noting that people should
eat foods rich in calcium, such as low-
fat milk products. Sport is an essential
factor in daily life.
Its importance stems from the practice
of daily activities and movements such
as walking, running and sports. We got
rid of the routine, which is a kind of
There are some occupations that
exhaust the body and fatigue. Hence
the role of sport that helps get rid of
obesity and the resulting diseases such
as hardening of the arteries, blood
pressure and increasing cholesterol in
the blood.
Sport is an alternative to the medicinal
drugs used in daily life.
There is no doubt that physical
education helps the body organs to
perform their functions to the fullest
extent, get rid of insomnia, sleep
disturbances, depression and improve
blood circulation and blood flow in the
Sports are essential for all segments of
society with sustainable disabilities,
the disabled and those with special
needs. Sports for the disabled is a
therapeutic program, especially for
children with disabilities.
The development of societies is
measured by the extent of community
care for them and work to develop
their talents and refine their
personality and try to integrate them
into society through their education,
qualification and training, and the
development of educational and
educational programs that help the
child in daily life.
Educational institutions play a major role in this
field through setting programs and
plans to improve the psychology and
personality of children in society,
the family and at school and involve
them in social life and the need to
provide them with the opportunity to
benefit from programs and plans that
help them to face the problem of
disability and that the rehabilitation of
people with special needs is a duty of
society And the state.
Providing social and psychological
rehabilitation is an important factor for
people with special needs in order to
help them adapt to society.
Play and exercise are necessary in a
child's life. For a child to exercise a suitable sport, the
child's age and physical
condition must be taken into account.
By exercising, his ability to be creative
increases and find appropriate
solutions to the problems he faces in
daily life.
And exercise regularly to strengthen
the muscles of the body and improve
breathing in the child. A child who
plays sports is a bold child who is
confident in himself and loves
cooperation and does not like isolation
and avoids aggression so teaching the
child the need to deal with other
children motivates him to develop his
psychological skills at this age.
Hence the role of parents is highlighted by encouraging the child
and participating in motivational
competitions, whether at school or at
home, where the child begins in the
first years of his life
playing with his parents at home and
then joined the neighborhood and
playing with them and the child
realizes the importance of physical
activity in his daily life.
and the importance of activities Sports
in order to maintain his health and
prevent diseases and obesity
Several studies have shown that
childhood obesity is responsible for
the emergence of many diseases, and
that sport and physical activity have
positive effects on a child's
health and personality development in
all areas of life.
, the importance of sports activities and their diversity every
morning is a catalyst for daily life and
helps to enrich the body vital vitality
and works to revitalize the personality
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