القائمة الرئيسية


Sport for all family members

اعلان اعلى المواضيع


Sport is a goal that 
every person in the
world seeks to achieve.


It is an
effective means of education and
fitness in daily life It helps to reduce
the costs of treatment and prevent
many diseases that threaten the body
and increase activity and vitality in the
field of work that 
leads to increased


It is also a way to raise generations in
a correct and appropriate way.


this standpoint, 
many countries of the
world began to pay attention to sports
and tried to increase people's
awareness of the 
need for physical
activity and the importance of sport 
addition to other 
topics related to this
field and the necessity of sport and
running in daily 
life for body health
and physical fitness, especially since
scientists arrive 
every day to discover
what is New and beneficial to the
health of the body.


2-In order to practice sports and physical
activity, a person 
must have some
in this field.


Unfortunately, many people around
the world practice sports forcefully,
causing them to feel tired and
exhausted and subject to injury,
muscle wounds and pain. It is worth
noting that many people refrain from
exercising under the pretext of not
having enough time or lack of a
suitable place for physical activity and
many arguments that drive people not
to exercise, laziness and inactivity.


Undoubtedly, all state institutions,
schools, and 
people to practice 
sport, and this
cannot be achieved without concrete
awareness and a clear understanding
of the importance of sport in society
and changing 
old social concepts 
customs in a scientific way based on
evidence and 
scientific foundations
And changing 
society’s view of sport
because it is a vital source of energy
and activity, which is indispensable in
the daily life of every age and for every


From this principle comes
the role of mothers 
and fathers in the
family by the necessity of nurturing the
children in a 
correct and 


The two explain the topic of sport and
exercise of physical activity every day
according to 
the correct 
and principles that change their view
towards sport and its importance to all
members of the body.
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لوريم إيبسوم(Lorem Ipsum) هو ببساطة نص شكلي (بمعنى أن الغاية هي الشكل وليس المحتوى) ويُستخدم في صناعات المطابع ودور النشر. كان لوريم إيبسوم ولايزال المعيار للنص الشكلي منذ القرن الخامس عشر عندما قامت مطبعة مجهولة برص مجموعة من الأحرف بشكل عشوائي أخذتها من نص، لتكوّن كتيّب بمثابة دليل أو مرجع شكلي لهذه الأحرف.

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